LWI's 2018 Annual Conference


LWI’s 2nd annual integrity conference, entitled ‘Beyond Self Interest’ took place on October 19, 2018 at the Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort. Through the different speeches and interactive panel discussions attendees were challenged to look beyond their own interest in the fight against corruption and the related personal perks.


The 2018 conference was inaugurated by the Minister of Government Policy, Planning and Service: Mr. Armin Konket. The Prime Minister of Aruba, Ms Evelyn Wever-Croes who due to other commitments could not be present, sent a video message. Hereafter, the President of LWI, Mr Nelson Foendoe, gave his speech and a brief presentation of his new book: ‘Becoming a Person of Integrity.’ The next speakers elaborated further on the theme, Mr. Marlon Winedt, from a philosophical view, while Mr. Fazale Rana addressed the topic from a scientific perspective. 



Fazale ‘fuz’ rana, phd

Keynote speaker from U.S.A.

is a scientist who through his speech ‘The Scientific Case for living beyond Self-Interest’ explained how science proves that living a life of integrity is beneficial to our mental and physical health, particularly when we live beyond our self interest. He also made the audience aware of the importance of ethical considerations in view of the many ‘scaring’ possibilities that biotechnology is going to offer in the time ahead


marlon winedt, phd

a philosopher and theologian, proceeded deeper into the topic of morality with his speech entitled ‘Integrity a search for virtue: Beyond mere humanity.’ He addressed how to reach a norm for morality.


Nelson Foendoe

is the President and founder of LWI. In his speech, entitled ‘The fight against corruption: What do we overlook?’ he emphasized the importance to also include ‘morality’ in the discussions on fighting corruption in order to address it from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, he revealed the results of the Corruption Perception Survey held in Curaçao in the first quarter of 2018. His new book ‘Becoming a Person of Integrity’ was presented to the President of the Parliament of Curaçao Mr William Millerson.



Besides the live jazz entertainment that amused the attendees during lunch, they were also delighted by the stunning presentation of the local singing artist and pianist Aemy Niafeliz.  


With about 230 attendees, this year’s audience was more diverse consisting of people from Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire and St. Maarten. We were this year not only graced by the presence of Her Excellency Governor of Curaçao Mrs. Lucille George-Wout, but also by His Excellency Governor of St Maarten Mr. Eugene Holiday. Also present was the President of the Curaçao Parliament Mr. William Millerson, the Prime Minister of Curaçao Mr. Eugene Rhuggenaath, the Minister of Government Policy, Planning and Service Mr. Armin Konket, the Minister of Finance Mr. Kenneth Gijsbertha, the  Minister of Social Development, Labor and Welfare Mr. Hensley Koeiman and representatives of several other companies and government officials.

During the conference the attendees had the opportunity to perform a live voting to answer the exact same questions as were presented in the Corruption Perception Survey, held by LWI amongst the local community of Curaçao in the first quarter of 2018. Their answers were compared to those of the survey. A whopping 94% of the conference attendees answered that it is worth it for private organizations (like LWI) to fight corruption.

Once again attendees were inspired by the LWI conference. According to the survey we held at the end of the event 97% of the interviewees rated the event as ’very organized’ to  “extremely  organized" and 100% said that “morality should be addressed specifically when combatting corruption’ and that ‘it is worth to periodically conduct the corruption perception survey.’


video and photo Gallery

Please check out our video and scroll through our photos below for a secondary experience of highlights of this insightful day!